Her Sea Moss
覆盆子椰林飄香海苔凝膠 12 盎司
覆盆子椰林飄香海苔凝膠 12 盎司
Delivery and local pickup information
海苔是一種營養豐富的藻類,含有人體正常功能所需的 90% 以上的維生素和礦物質。
- 富含纖維和單寧 - 可能有益於血糖控制
- 支持水合作用(含水量 85%)
- 低糖
- 富含抗氧化劑
- 含有菠蘿蛋白酶,有助於消化
- 促進組織癒合
- 富含維生素 C
B 動力超級食品蜂蜜:
- 蜂王漿具有認知功效,例如改善記憶力和大腦性能、長壽和荷爾蒙平衡
- 蜂膠具有抗炎、抗菌作用,並富含抗氧化劑。研究表明,使用蜂膠有助於抵抗感冒和流感
- 特色原酶蜂蜜
- 蜂花粉可以幫助預防過敏
(最好在開封後 1.5 週內使用。可保存長達 2 週,具體取決於水果自然成熟的速度)

Not only do they have the best sea moss in the game, they are very hospitable. Deliver it right to your door step! The owner Bianca is very friendly and polite. I would highly recommend this company to my friends and family. You can’t go wrong
The Sea Moss Gel was amazing and even better than I expected it to be. The Raspberry Pina Colada was the best first flavour to try. I’ve tried others now and enjoy multiple gels. It’s the love and care that counts and you can always count on Bianca! Thanks for the amazing work you do!
The raspberry pina colada sea moss gel is the best I’ve ever tasted! The consistency and the flavour are done so well and I can eat the whole jar in 1 day if I let myself. Excited to try other flavours and continue getting all the sea moss benefits! Highly recommend to anyone!
Absolutely delicious and super refreshing! The Sea Moss has really helped with my gut health, skin, and overall energy levels. This is a must try & I will definitely be returning to buy some more!